Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mystery Quilt--Who's In?

Shawn, the mystery quilt sounds very enticing!  I'm wishing my stash was a bit more exciting, but I'll come up with something.  Count me in!


  1. Thanks Elaine. I don't know how to make a comment tab either so, this is a good place. Thanks for joining! The mystery is on!!!!!!

  2. I'm definitely in for the mystery quilt. I can't let Elaine show me up! Even though she thinks she's the older sister (and looks it lol).

    I'm a little stressed already just reading the directions for October (I'm kidding).

    Love the blog! Debbie

  3. This is a test because I thought I commented but I don't see it.
    Karen F

  4. Now for my real comment..I love the blog and yes I want to do the mystery quilt for sure. Miss you ladies.

  5. I thought I commented too but don't see it so I am in for the mystery quilt.

  6. My girls set up my google account so that is why I am alias Mom.
